VET4SBO - Future trends in Smart Buildings

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18. Main challenges faced by IoT

17. Domognostics ™ Building Analytics and Diagnostics, Reduced Hidden Energy Costs, Increased Occupants’ Comfort

15. The brain uses logic - based AI reasoning to find all alternative configurations of sensing, actuation and control, to meet the operator’s preferences.

16. Finally, the mathematics of building models and control theory allow the system brain to design the controllers of building properties automatically, without human intervention at runtime.

8. 6. Horizontal markets IoT offers the opportunity to escape from vertical solutions and build a horizontal market. Open standards. Open interfaces. IoT - related technological trends

12. Could we allow sensors, actuators and analytics to “join” at runtime? Could we use the building flow mathematical models to enable machine learning and increase situation awareness? Could we go even further and allow automatic synthesis of controllers that consider our preferences?

10. Practical applications of diagnostics and control in buildings Diagnostics go far beyond “rules”. On the other hand, good FDD tools are able to learn the dynamics of the operation of certain building systems, combining also the behaviour of occupants and set their own rules.

5. 3. Real - Time Visualisations People are now accustomed to having real - time data and services at the press of a button on our personal devices and wall screens, etc.. IoT - related technological trends

6. 4. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Monitoring IAQ is very important since it highly relates to the health, as well as to the productivity of building occupants. High concentrations of CO 2 correlates to lower cognitive ability. IoT - related technological trends

7. 5. Occupants preferences and needs The cost of occupants discomfort, being in the building for leisure or for work reasons, is very high compared to any other building infrastructure cost. IoT provides the necessary grounds for the building to take into consideration the preferences and needs of its occupant. IoT - related technological trends

4. Critical HVAC components (such as chillers, air handling units, valves), security components (such as motion detection and cameras), water distribution components (such as pipes and valves), etc., become “things” on the internet. They can communicate information about their operational status and support higher level decision making. IoT - related technological trends 2. Internet connectivity of building infrastructure components

1. Project: ECVET Training for Operators of IoT - enabled Smart Buildings (VET4SBO) - 2018 - 1 - RS01 - KA202 - 000411 Future Trends in Smart Buildings

22. The Smart Buildings Market  Wastes of 5 - 20% of energy consumed in buildings (for HVAC, lighting, water heating) due to faults and inefficiencies  There is a lot of potential for increasing energy efficiency, reducing resources’ waste, better managing the energy consumed and thus, gaining in economical terms

14. We build a knowledge graph in the same way Google models the Web. We allow real and virtual devices to speak the language and introduce themselves. The system brain: • knows about buildings, • knows about the sensing and acting capacity • knows about the needs of the specific building

11. BAS solutions typically require pre - deployed devices and pre - designed monitoring and control intelligence. However, the emerging level of maturity of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm and the high penetration of smart portable and embedded devices (i.e., sensors, mobile devices, etc.), have generated opportunities for more intelligent solutions. 

9. 7. Automatic re - configurations “Use a platform that knows how to do some synthesis of the data for what you need it to do, so that you’re not just looking at raw data on your own. Some platforms don’t know what the end value is, and if you don’t, you can get lost very quickly. Know what the end value of the data is that you want to collect and pick a vendor who knows how to turn that data into something meaningful.” Logan Soya, founder and CEO of Aquicore , an asset management software platform IoT - related technological trends

13. The short answer is YES, with: SEMIoTICS [1] Milis, George, Panayiotou, Christos, & Polycarpou , Marios . (2017). SEMIoTICS : Semantically - enhanced IoT - enabled Intelligent Control Systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, (Special Issue IoT Feedback Control). , [2] G. M. Milis, C. G. Panayiotou and M. M. Polycarpou , "IoT - enabled Automatic Synthesis of Distributed Feedback Control Schemes in Smart Buildings," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, doi : 10.1109/JIOT.2020.3019662.

21. The Smart Buildings Market  Economic Factors affecting the market - up to 40% decreased energy consumption - up to 18% improved comfort - up to 3% increased productivity - Strict initiatives, laws and regulations, towards energy efficiency and sustainability gram - icon - business - symbol - chart - 2008478/

3. 1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: IoT enables new applications of AI and supports the processing of Big Data. AI and machine learning comprise the underline technologies for detecting anomalies in building environment properties (e.g., temperature, humidity, quality of air), detecting and diagnosing faults (FDD) in monitoring and control components, facilitating predictive maintenance and the automatic re - configuration of functions when certain components become unavailable, etc. IoT - related technological trends

23. IoTs and the Smart Buildings Market New constructions and retrofits g - construction - site - cranes - 768815/ Over 80% of new construction involves at least one (1) facet of IoT or related technologies Around 90% of legacy buildings has issues and requires substantial retrofitting

20. The Smart Buildings Market  Current Situation – Buildings are responsible for:  3 6 % of greenhouse gas emissions  40% of total energy consumption  30% of energy used wasted (~$100bn per year)  75% of lifetime building costs – maintenance and operating expenses - city - circuit - board - 4308821/

19. Interoperability challenge The story of the Tower of Babel explains the origins of the multiplicity of languages.  God was concerned that humans had blasphemed by building the tower (to avoid a second flood or to reach the heavens) so God brought into existence multiple languages .  Thus, humans were divided into linguistic groups. Unable to communicate, the project failed . Jaimie Giarrusso | November 20, 2015 Link: - management/2015/11/20/finally - simple - guide - understanding - open - protocols/ The Tower of Babel

24. IoTs and the Smart Buildings Market New technologies will support new and enhanced smart building system related applications and services 33% of the market to be powered by Artificial Intelligence technologies and other technologies like edge computing, real - time IoT data analytics, asset tracking, etc. Building operators that do not spend time and invest in becoming familiar with the new technologies, will end up being obsolete in the employment market .

2. Key Technologies  Artificial Intelligence (AI)  Machine Learning  Mobile Edge Computing  5G Networks  Big Data  Fault Detection and Diagnostics  Predictive analytics - computer - technology - monitor - 3190194/ - browsing - 5g - business - 3570138/ - information - innovation - 3088958/


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